Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Keeping Going....

This morning I started with my new trainer and it was great...
Kami and Zac own energy Explosion that has moved to Spanish Fork.
I decided to do another 100 days with Brook.... This is going to be great. I had a lot of endurance and I was able to do what they threw at me. They do circut training so I was already used to that with Dallas...Great work out !!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great way to live

I have been reflecting over the last 3 months and I know I have learned many great lessons.. Ones that I have incorporated into my daily life. Making the choice of being healthy and having a feel of well being or living as I had for the last 46 years. I can do this.
Something that you all may not have known is I was trying to have a gastric bypass last summer. I was denied because at that time you had to be on the ins. for 2 years and I had went off it and came back on it. So now I have that choice.
I have decided That it will take me probably a year to get off the weight that I have accumulated but I know I can do it.. I want to thank Dallas for all his help and encouragement.. you rock and will do well in what ever road you take. I can't ever repay you for all you have sacrificed for us. But from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU !

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Keeping motivated

I went to the gym last night and met a very nice young lady she recognized me from the challenge. She was very interested in the things we are doing..

I didn't think anyone but the people in our group was watching us but Hello people are.

It made me feel more motivated to keep this going. Like I am not just doing the challenge but after I need to keep it going.

I was so glad she said somthing it made me feel proud to know that I have been apart of this group. Thanks guys !!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Early morning work outs

This morinig I met with Dallas and had a great workout.. I think for me the workouts in the morning are best. Then I can get on with my day and it helps me fall asleep and sleep better..

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Setting a example

I have learned new tools to better my health and the way I feel. I have had great support from family and friends. And also been able to set a example to them as well. One great thing that has came out of this challenge is my daughters are more active they go on walks with me and they are actually looking at labels to see the nutritional values of the food they are going to eat Yeah!!