Monday, August 2, 2010

Biker Biker

So this Weekend I bought my husband a bike not any peddle bike but a Heritage Softail Harley 2010. SOoo. I need to get my back and stomach mussles toned so I can ride on back and not die... We went for a 7 hr. ride this weekend and I will tell you that you need to be in shape to do this.. If this would have happened 1 month ago I would not have been able to do this but Thanks to Dallas I was able to do this.. We stopped frequently and walked and stretched out. It was a blast can't wait till this next weekend we are going with a group of people and the nice thing is that they belive that for every hr. you ride you need to water, walk and strech. One of the ladys acually joggs for 15 mins and walks for 10 each trip so this will be great to do with her.


  1. Great bike , all you need now is leather

  2. Oh...I cannot show your post to my husband...He'll be asking where his bike is! That is so very cool, I would love to be riding on the back of a bike in this weather! Keep kicking butt at the gym, you are awesome!!

  3. I love 4-wheelers and being in better shape makes that more fun also. Keep up the good work!!!!!!

  4. Wow, that's amazing. I don't think I could have done a 7 hour long bike ride, I don't I could do an hour long bike ride. You're doing great!
